we are all americans
recently, i have been taking measures to spend less time every day staring at a screen. since 2020 i feel as though i have been steadily increasing the amount of time i spend everyday looking at a screen of some kind. whether it be sitting on the potty, starting at the boob tube, bingeing away my nights to mind suppressing programming, staring at the computer while i work or mindlessly swiping with my overdeveloped thumb on my phone while i wait for the train to take me uptown and home. now, some of these things are unavoidable, i need to stare at the computer to create the art i create, to write, to perform research and maintain my small business. on the other hand, there are other things that are quite avoidable. in somewhat recent months i have been making more of an effort to turn the tv off more in my daily routine and to spend more time doing other things that don’t require my tush slowly turning into a potato fused to the couch. i have also been making more of an effort to sit on the subway or bus without needing to be constantly stimulated by my phone screen. i feel as though the most current modern age is controlled by this push to be constantly stimulated by screen activities. we look at our phone screens while we stand in line, we look at our phone screens when we are dropping those sweet and sour chicken kids off at the pool. we even look at our phone screens while we wait for the train to take us wherever we are going. i feel that the vast majority of us spend more time looking at screens now then before the shutdown started and the world began its transition into the new age. i decided to set a goal for myself. i would ride the train quietly and without taking my phone from my pocket. i would take measures to occupy my mind in the ways that we used to occupy our minds before we began this transhumanist conversion to cyborgism that started with the development of the cell phone. by definition, a cyborg is a biological entity who has been altered by non-biological technology for the sake of advancing the human being past the “perceived limits” of biology. i wonder how many americans have a cell phone on them for the majority of their daily lives? how many americans have come to be totally dependent on our cell phones to get through our dailt grind? how many americans could not actually function anymore without the daily use of our cell phones on some level? it was elon musk who said “we are already cyborgs, most people just don’t realize it” in relation to the connection of human beings and cellphone tech. in the beginning, not using my cell phone on the train was difficult. i felt anxious and uncomfortable. i did not know what to do with my eyes, i did not know where to look, i did not know how to occupy my mind. it seemed as though i had forgotten what it is like to live without the constant stimulation of my cell phone screen during my downtime. over the weeks, i started to get more comfortable with this new way of living. i began to notice things that had previously slipped by me and my preoccupied mind. i started taking notice of how many people would use their phones during their ride and how many people wouldn’t. i noticed that most of the time there were more people on their phones during the ride than not. i also noticed that, at times, every single person on the train would be glued to their phones, be it through their headphones or through their screens. i also began to take notice of other things, thoughts and ideas that i started pondering as a result of not being preoccupied by my phone. one of these ideas started with the seats on the 6 train. i noticed how all these seats were exactly the same with one exception. i noticed that no one ever favored one seat over another, and that when people stepped onto the train, the only thing that seemed to concern them was finding an open seat. it didn’t matter what the seat looked like, the only thing that really mattered was whether or not it was available to plop down into after a long day of cubicle surfing. it then occurred to me that we americans are very similar to these subway seats. we all function in the same way. we all have souls that occupy our energy body that control our physical body. we all eat food to be broken down and ultimately transformed into ATP and other things to fuel the cells in our bodies as well as providing other chemical elements to various parts of the body for optimal functioning. we all must drink water to survive and we all need shelter from the storms. we all strive to find our place in this intense earthly experience. we all just want the freedom to be who we are and to use our god given talents to provide something to the rest of humanity. we all strive to find happiness and we all deal with the pain and discomfort of what life can throw in our collective faces. we all are so close to being the same that the entire human race shares 99.9% of the same exact DNA. it is less than .01% where we find our individuality. i mentioned earlier that the subway seats were exactly the same with one exception. well in the case of the seats, the one exception was the outward appearance of the seats. some are orange while others are yellow and still others are more worn than ones that are brand new. it seemed to me that human beings have become hyper-focused on worthless and trivial things that promote division. we have forgotten that under our superficial exteriors we are all still subway seats, so to speak. in this piece i have used a custom made stencil to spray paint all of the seats gold, which represents the human soul. i left a small circular window open in the spray paint to show how the seats may appear to be different but that the similarities of the seats are much more plentiful. the newspaper clipping titles the piece and comes from a denver periodical i collected in september of 2001. this also illustrates how everything is connected. speaking of newspapers, the mockingbird media has been programming us to be focused on these outward differences that keep us from seeing the countless more ways we are the same. instead of focusing on the 99.9% of us ALL that is the exact same, things like our beating hearts and our capacity to suffer and feel pain, we are programmed instead to be hyper-focused on the less than .01% that makes us different. it is not a coincidence that the american people have been divided for so many years by the same controversial topics. we have been programmed to believe that it must be our way or the highway. we have been taught that we must maintain our beliefs and to never see that the answer to uniting the american people will always lie somewhere in the middle of the problem, not on one side or the other. the key to uniting the people is through compromise on both sides of the aisle. for example, the key to the topic of abortion will not be the ability to take the life of an unborn baby up to the time of birth, nor will the answer lie in making all forms of abortion and contraception illegal. the answer will require concession from both sides to find harmony. the system in which we ALL currently live is designed to keep us at both ends of the spectrum and it is designed to restrict communication between both sides of the spectrum. this lack of communication leads to a REAL pandemic of assumption. the right side makes grand assumptions about the left and who they are and what they stand for and the left side makes grand assumptions about what it means to be a conservative. both sides are drastically mistaken about the true nature of the other side because both sides have been subjected to the mockingbird media’s gross distortion of both sides in an effort to keep people from understanding one another. i firmly believe that love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding will be the only way to bridge these gaps between communities because the alternatives of hatred, apathy, intolerance, judgement and ignorance will only continue the division of humankind. through the programming of the mockingbird media and our own government, we have been taught to stay focused on differences like the color of peoples skin, cultural beliefs or our positions in the wealth class structure. we are taught that these differences are far more important than the 99.9% of us ALL that literally makes us EXACTLY THE SAME. what we believe becomes our reality, so if we are focused on our differences, we continue to divide ourselves based on these differences. it is only when we choose to start focusing on the overwhelming similarities between us all that we can find common-ground-a-plenty. it is our hyper-focus on what makes us different that causes the creation of multiple classes in new york as the vaccine controversy continues. we decide that because of the differences between human beings, it then becomes justified to protect the rights of one group of AMERICAN HUMAN BEINGS while the rights of other AMERICAN HUMAN BEINGS can be suppressed and taken from them. it is this focus on what makes us different that essentially creates the belief on both sides of the spectrum that one group of american human beings is essentially more worthy of equal treatment under the law than another group of american human beings. now i believe that the declaration of independence states that in the united states of america, all human beings have the right to be treated equally under the law and that all american human beings have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. i wonder, would a true patriot choose to stay focused on the .01% that makes us different, essentially perpetuating the division of the american people, or would a true patriot put their differences aside to focus on the 99.9% of us all that is the same? the time has come for us all to stand up as TRUE patriots of the united states of america to save our sovereign lands from the tyranny of secrets, manipulation, deceit and intense and overwhelming darkness. the time has come for every single american human being to start focusing on our 99.9% similarities that we ALL share, lest we forget that UNITED WE STAND and DIVIDED WE FALL. we ALL have the right to equal treatment under the law. we ALL have the right to be protected under the law. we ALL have the right to live true to who we are in our individual journeys to true happiness through our collective rights to life and liberty. when we can accept that this is what the united states of america is supposed to be about, then we can start to learn that even though someone may have differences in opinion about what happiness is and how to achieve it, it doesnt mean they are any less entitled to their happiness. a true patriot of the united states of america will stand side by side with those different than themselves, just like those subway seats sit side by side, and fight for the equal rights of every last american human being, because being a true patriot will “ask not what my country can do for me, but what can i do for my country.” i think it was some guy named john kennedy who mentioned that little ditty. making choices that divide our great nation will never be in the best interest of the united states of america.